Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It's back

I thought I'd give an update...

Mr W said that when he got my page, he started to laugh in the middle of his class. 

When he got home, he did notice that the a** smell was indeed, diminished.  I didn't even need to point it out to him again. 

Upon our arrival back to the house after a family outing (we took the kids to the ASU baseball game) it was late.  All the kids were busy in their rooms putting on their pjs, so I took that moment to reinstate my good wife policy.  

This time, the look on his face did all the talking.


Anonymous said...

What do you think it could be? Dog? Kids?

Nothing worse than a house that smells like ass. Meghan knows what he means. <g>


Anonymous said...

glad to hear the house does not smell like A** anymore...rofl!!

Anonymous said...

Good job!


Anonymous said...

Considering the way the baseball team played, maybe you should have given them the GWP instead. I'm having trouble getting that sh*t--eating on his face out of my mind.

Anonymous said...

good for you and your good wife policy... maybe I should enforce one of my own...if I can find the time...