Monday, January 31, 2005

Down to one

One day last week, I was talking to another Mom that had called to inquire about Ryan's rash, and she asked me if Ryan would be attending the 'extended' kindergarten class.


I instantly felt that competitive "What?  Why haven't I heard about this?" rear its ugly head.  I tell the kids I expect them to do their best, and am pretty hard on them school-wise, but I really do avoid the comparison-competitive thing with them.  I try not to turn into one of those frustrated athlete parents that coach their kids to death--but in a booky sense.  Their strengths, their weaknesses, you're doing an ok job, breathe, breathe.  Ahh, don't I feel better?

Anyway, later on in the week, his teacher approached me about it.  Apparently, our school hired a teacher for this 'extended' k, and she would have only 10 students, ones that needed some extra help here or there to get them on track for first grade.  She asked me in the instance she couldn't fill all ten spots in time, would I want Ryan to attend?  "Okay, back up a minute," I said.  "You would let him have one of the spots?" "Yes." "But he's doing ok academically, right?" (Uh, hey there Mom, relax, it's kindergarten, scissors, crayons, glue, remember???) 

She added:  "He's fine academically, but maybe this would benefit him socially.  You know, get him more accustomed to being away from you."

Sheepish grin.  "Oh."


Ryan started his new class today.  He was very excited and looking forward to it, especially since he would be eating lunch at school like a big boy.  I found a new blue lunchbox stashed in the pantry, which was a good thing because no one really has little lunchboxes in January (so not back-to-school time for the small fry.) He even was planning on what he would take:  a granola bar, mini Kit Kat, Capri know, 'healthy' kid fare.

I knew I'd have a bit of trouble with this, afterall, admittedly, I'm, well, nuts.  I complain, bitch, moan about how overwhelming this all is, but I miss them terribly that first week when they go back after the summer break.  I like them, love them, ok?  Sue me.

Although I could've gone into work later than usual today to see him off, I didn't.  I let his Daddy see him off.  No fanfare or embarassing photos or me walking away blinking back tears. 

I'm sure Mr W gave him a high-five and sent him on his way.

I can only hope that he at least put a pb sandwich in the lunchbox with the granola bar, mini Kit Kat, and Capri Sun...



Anonymous said...

PBJ? That's what those frozen burritos are for. They defrost nicely by noon.

Anonymous said...

Bad Remo!  lol
A frozen burrito?

Anonymous said...

I do the same bitching...hate it when they are gone though.  Hope he had fun today!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!