My in love..with ketchup.
It's her newest obsession. She's always liked it, and suddenly, she can't get enough. I actually let her have fries and ketchup for breakfast, for crying out loud, because she really, really wanted her ketchup. Breakfast of champions, right?
Hey, I survived the ranch dip/dressing obsession of 2000 (Ryan at 2), and cookie dough obsession of 1998 (Ben at 2 and still today), the soda-pop/pringles obsession of 1996 (Nolan, thanks to Nana), I can survive this.
At least her Dad has something to share with her now in addition to the cinnabon love they already do. Seriously, I have to watch my step at the mall, lest I pass the Cinnabon area, and she sees it--then I have to get one, but usually can convince her to wait until we get home, so Dad can share (eat most of it, haha) it with her. She stood in the hall recently, pointing her finger at him, "DADDY! You ate it all! More? I want more.."
And I hate ketchup. So you know how much I love her, that I let her give me a kiss with that ketchup face. (I once figured out I was definately prego upon nearly hurling at the smell of Mr W's ketchup, and the aversion has never left me...)
As long as she doesn't start painting the walls with it, I'll be fine.
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