I was a bad girl today.
I wish it was a salacious, dirrty kind of bad, but that's just not me (not always, anyway). Really, as bad as I get is wearing too much lippy and smiling wickedly at some of the good looking men I see while I check'em out. Which I believe is probably pretty tame on the salacious scale....but entertaining nonetheless. I digress.
No, my badness today involved the -shh- library.
Our public library here in town gives great...online service. I can go online, and look up whatever I desire. And put a hold on it. And check out what/when my books are due. I can browse to my heart's content while the kids are running around the house screaming, and not worry about disturbing the other patrons. The best part of it all is when my held books are ready, they call me, and all I have to do is stroll in, go to the special bookcase right by the checkout, find my name wrapped around my selections, use the self checkout and leave. It so totally rocks!! Such a godsend to me, I love to read, but Audrey hates to browse...and woohoo! it's free. (but I do still love to walk thru Barnes and Noble and fondle the new books...again, hard with all the small fry in tow)
When I was growing up, in our small town, with not a lot to do in it, the library was my sanctuary year round, especially in the summertime. In Ajo, in summer, the temp could get up to 115 on a good day, so you weren't exactly running around outside in the middle of the day. But the library was air conditioned, and I'd spend lots of time in it for coolness and literary escape from both the watchful eyes of my nosier townsfolk and the smallness of my world. (Air-conditioners in my swamp cooler town were rare.)
I'm so happy that I've rediscovered the joys of the public library over the last year or so. It works out well for me that the kid's aikido class is right by the library, and that's what got me going again. Win-win situation, you gotta love that.
Today, I went online, and binged on way too many books. Oohh, that looks good. So does that. And that. I swear, I must've placed like 10 holds on things, in addition to going in tonight and picking up around 4 books I knew were on the shelves while Audrey, bless her, slept, through my browsing and the hailstorm thudding on the roof overhead. Nirvana for Mom. (I will give up sleep for a good read; that's how I do it, with the four kids, if you're curious...)
The library staff is gonna hate it when they have to call me, haha, about all those holds when they come in. So? Um, job security. Besides, they've all heard Audrey let loose when I've used up all her patience... seen Ryan running around the stacks keeping busy before we go up to the kid's section..so I'm sure they don't mind a call or two. (Believe me, I've endured more than one "shut that kid the hell up" 20 yard stare from a person or two in the library, I realize it's not always the place for them, I'm not that oblivious...) Besides, they are so modern, that I do believe they have a computerized notification system, or else the caller really needs to see an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist!!
Mmm, the iPod just shuffled to Maroon 5; "fingers trace your every outline, paint a picture with my hands.." (from the song Sunday Morning) now it's on to U2...earlier it was Linkin Park...too cool, I love this thing!! :) :) happy, happy, joy, joy...thanks, Mr W!!
Oh sure, rub the iPod in our face some more. I'm jealous >sniff< no iPod here. And don't you just LOVE the smell of those new books in the pretty bookstores. And just why are the public library books covered in plastic?
I barely read anymore. :( I read magazines every month, but after just finishing college, and being forced to read books I'd never normally choose, reading just isn't as much fun to me anymore.
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