Thursday, February 10, 2005

The best laid plans

Okay, this'll be quick.  People are trying to sleep...

I mentioned earlier today about milestones.  Well, I've had another going on recently with Ryan in that he's now gone for most of the day at school too, and I have more time on my hands with Audrey (and myself.)  It's been an adjustment, but I've done ok so far.  (muffled sob--no, really, I'm fine...give me another week, and I'll try to ship her off too.)

Today, for example I got to meet a friend for breakfast, which was fun.  I'm glad it worked out.

Then I went to run some errands, one of which was to get a new air filter and the other which involved getting valentines for the kids for school.  Luckily, I was able to find valentines they would approve of and that I wasn't stuck with some horrific Barbie-only choice (not good for boys, lol.)  So far, so good.

I went for the air filter, and took it upon myself to go for it and get weed killer too, in hopes of surprising Mr W with my yard-ittude.  And here is where things took a small twist south.

Vacuumed off the filter cover--check.  Vacuumed unside the vent--check.  Put up new filter to place inside vent--no go.  Somehow, I managed to get the wrong size.  How I accomplished that, I hadn't a clue.  Cool as Lowe's is, when I called, they said I could return it, and the guy in customer service didn't laugh at my expense at all. At least not to my face.  When I went to get the right one, I discovered my mistake was in thinking that the same size filter lay below the shelf above it (where the right size was, but a different type) when in fact it did not.  Oops.

As soon as I rectify that situation, I get set to step out into the yard and do the weed-killing deed when it starts to rain.  It's supposed to rain until Saturday, and I have since spilled the beans to Mr W, so so much for that little surprise.

I wound up bringing two of the boys friends home with us after school, which was no problem.  All of them are hanging around, having fun, while I'm working on my earlier entry.  Audrey comes up to me,"My stomach hurts."  Hmm.  I check her out, and she seems ok, so I tell her to sit still for a minute to see if she feels better...

She comes up to me a few minutes later, and climbs up on the computer desk next to me, and it's like watching a movie--she just hurls, and I'm comforting her but trying to get the boys to run grab me a towel ("Huh?" "Hurling, towel, now, run!" "Oh!") before things really get ugly.  Get her cleaned up, and calmed down, start a load to wash up the mess.  Poor thing, it's really her first hurl attack.

She's got a bit of diarrhea, to top it off.  Had a good nap, drank a bit, socialized with the big sympathy getting 'I feel yucky' face to all. 

Mr W hears it before I do.  "Audrey, are you gonna throw up?" he asks.  She nods, just barely, and I scoop her up and rush her into the bathroom just in time.  Oh, man, a 2 yr old heaving has to be the most pathetic sight ever.  She's been ok since, knocked out...of course I didn't let her drink anything else either (which she wasn't happy about.)

Where was I? 

Yard?  What yard?

Let's see:  weed killing vs. vomiting little one...I think the little one wins this time.

Either way, I'm covered in something stinky, so it really doesn't matter, does it?



Anonymous said...

When people talk about kids throwing up, I always think of Steve Martin in the movie "Parenthood" when he asks his little girl if she wants to throw up, and she says "Ok" and all over him it goes. Really cute and funny in the movie, probably not so in real life. ;)

Hope she feels better.


Anonymous said...

Ew. I remember mine being little. She did not ever throw up on anything besides me until she was 3 and learned to use the toilet. It's amazing what we learn to take from them. She was a teenager when she finally stopped wiping her snot on my clothes. Sometimes she still looks at my shirt when her nose runs, lol.

It must be nice to live some place warm enough to be worrying about weeds. My yard is covered in SNOW. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

My middle child Liam never makes it to the bathroom or the trash can.  He just stands there and says I don...yack..all over me!!!!  We just don't get it.  He knows he has to throw up so he just stands there with the whole deer in the headlights look and then hurls.  He cracks me up.  I am one of those moms who just CAN NOT clean that crap up.  I gag I heave then I hurl...bigger mess for mommy to clean up.  I just wrap my face like a bandit and throw a towel over it and wipe it up throw it in the washer and use bleach!  Most of the time my hubby is here and he has puke duty!  One time I called him from work to come home and clean it up!  LOL I am a puke freak what can I say?
