As I catch my breath and count to ten, I often joke to Mr W that it's a good thing that we're done having kids, because I'm getting too old to maintain the level of patience it takes to be around them. I like to think I'm a patient girl, and those who've seen me in action can feel free to agree or disagree, but sometimes...sometimes I must throw my hands up in the air in defeat, raise my voice, lose my temper, burst into tears, or just plain go for a walk in order to preserve my sanity. I love them, I planned for them all (and I hate, hate, hate it when people think otherwise--oh, I can tell when they are giving me the 'doesn't she know about birth control look-- or give me the 'oh you finally had your girl' 'would you have kept going until you had a girl' 'are you gonna have another' 'aw, look, you almost have a basketball team'-- seriously, these people, they think they are being clever, they can just bite me), but its still not the easiest thing I've ever chosen to do.
After I'm done telling Mr W that, I usually move on to a teary tirade about how I'm shortchanging the younger two, that I'm different with them, that they aren't getting as much attention because the older two sucked it all out of me and now there's just no time at the end of the day to play in the bathtub or linger over anything because it's an assembly line for everything now, and sniff, sniff, bwaaah, there I go. He pats me on the back, or makes some crack that leaves me in stitches, and I'm ready to jump in the saddle again. Until the next breakdown.
I'm beating myself up lately because I'm feeling the pressure of potty training. I have a bright girl, and she'd be trained by now, I'm sure, if her mother were more uber and less lazy. She's been interested in and trying the potty for some time. I've been encouraging, but not in a way that has moved things along as quickly as they could be. And you know what? She's learning anyway. I'm getting more on the ball with it, and I think she could possibly be done soon (I can't put a time frame on it, lest I fail). But, OMG, I've forgotten how hard it can be to deal with this when you are out and about.
Today, we were in Kohls and the bathrooms there areALL the way in the back of the store, past the kid's section ("Look, Mommy! Dressies! I want that one!") AND the little overpriced toy section, too. [believe me when I say I can tell you where the bathroom is and the quickest way to get there in any store, go on, quiz me, I dare you] I needed to look at some shoes, on the other end of the store, and look around the ladies section too (hey, I'm already there, aren't I?). "Walking" was the order of the day from my little one, ok, she is big enough to walk...and stop every five feet to look at something, to touch something, to make me nervous as she scoots away--to hide in a rack and jump out "Peekaboo!" (it's cute). I had to go potty, so I figure she's gotta go too (of course I remembered to ask her, I do recall that much from training the boys, lol). And voila! she went, no big deal. Off to Mommy's business.
We are almost to the shoe section, after she's touched all the squishy pillows in the center aisle, and we've looked around the ladies section (felt like forever, took about five minutes) when she stops dead in her tracks, clutches at herself and announces she's gotta go "poop, my 'tomach hurts." Sigh. "We were just there...are you sure?" ***I never would've asked the boys this, I would've whisked them off right away, appropriate treat/praise in hand, and not worried about it*** "Yes, I gotta goooo!" Sigh, roll my eyes, realize that I'm being unreasonable, lol, and whoosh her up to put her in the stroller "No strollie, I have to go..." "Honey, we ARE going to the bathroom, this is quicker.." and off we go. I even feel nervy enough to tell her "You had better really need to use this..." as I carry her into the bathroom, and we go into the stall closest to the door... ***I can't complain, she's not particular and will actually use a public toilet, large seat and all, as long as I hold her up, not all kids will do that :) *** and she of course was right. So I feel like a big idiot, naturally.
In light of this, I know I will have to restructure our outings, and think I will be able to do as much anymore...a quick trip is sure to be a not-so-quick one with umpteen trips to the bathroom...and I remember, not so fondly, being in the furthest corner of the store from the bathrooms whenever nature called the boys. (ALWAYS, it never failed--) I don't know anyone up to a two hour trip to Target to pick up five items, lol, do you?
Ah, well. I made it through her decorate-myself-with-food-needing-two-baths-a-day phase, I can get through this one, especially when I consider the end result.
Just gotta keep my eye on the prize......
If you get to brag about no more diapers, can I brag about being tall? LOL! I am SO jealous. <g>
Ugh. Those stupid comments from other people. It seems like when confronted with large families people suddenly lose all composure and tact. Who in their right mind actually asks a woman about her personal reproductive history!?
Love the comments from strangers and acquaintances about my large family....NOT! They seem to either state the obvious as if we are stupid which explains why we had so many kids or they comment on us trying until we hit the supposed jackpot and finally got the boy (or girl in your case).
Good luck with the potty training. My little man is so over his potty chair and loudly refuses anytime i suggest sittin on it.
LMAO! Brody is almost 3 and he wont even look at the potty. He screams and arches his back if I try to put him on it! Good luck...I know I will be needing it!
Mine used to pee her pants in the mall so I would buy her new jeans. Once I started making her leave after she peed in her pants, she stopped.
She used the potty to pee pretty early, but continued to poop in her pants for a long time. I finally asked her (she was very verbal very young) what it would take for her to stop. She said she wanted ballet shoes. I took her to the mall in her stroller, got her some real ballet slippers, and she never pooped in her pants again.
I know it, whenever I tell people that I have 4 kids, they look at me like I'm crazy..especially when I tell them we want another child! What's up with that?
Robyn :)
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