I blanched but kept my mouth shut today when my husband told the kids to clean out the inside of the battle van.
I didn't have to say anything because they protested enough all on their own. I saw his point, though, so I also ordered them out.
"But Moooom," Nolan whined, "there's nothing in there that belongs to me, do I have to?"
"It's just like the house, son. We all live here, we all clean it up. We all use the van, we should all clean it up. I spend a lot my time in it, hauling the lot of you around, and yesterday, when my co-worker and I used it to go to lunch, I found myself praying it didn't smell too much like ass as I unlocked the door. I gave her the "I have no idea what's in there" disclaimer, too. Thank god I had taken those blueberry muffins to work, and their scent lingered."
"I guarantee you will find at least one thing, hmmmm, let's see, like a game recharger, that belongs to you. You'll see."
Sure, I fretted as they went out the door, but I didn't follow. I told them where our freaky outdoor vacuum was, and that was that. I giggled as I overheard Nolan and Ben bickering, over who would do what, and I really chortled when I overheard my words coming out of Nolan's mouth: "You just have to make this more difficult, don't you??"
I walked down the hall, stood in the doorway to my bedroom, and bowed down to Mr W. "Brilliant! Genius to put them to work..." as I updated him on the comments I'd heard.
It didn't go entirely smoothly, but they all tried--even Audrey helped. Nolan found a game recharger, as predicted. (Behold the power of Mommy and fear her omniscience!!)
And now the van smells like Simple Green.
With a hint, just a teeny hint, of ass.
(You can't have everything when the labor is free.)
That's too funny! I sort of had a similar day that I posted about in my "other" journal.... http://pixiedustnme.blogspot.com/
AOL just ate my comment...I will make it short this time.
I noticed ass smell in my truck not long ago. This is not normal for my truck, hubby's yes but not mine. After busting out a new air freshner the smell still was there...it wasn't until my folks came for a visit and my Mom discovered it was a two week old tube of refridgerator biscuits that had rolled under the seat. LOL! It didn't explode but it sure smelled.
My Blazer smells like ass because I fart in it alot. No biscuits were harmed during this comment.
"And now the van smells like Simple Green. With a hint, just a teeny hint, of ass."
I wish my kids were old enough to clean out my car... they leave so much crap in there, it isn't even funny!!
I've been surfing thru J-land today looking for new journals to read. I also have kids and I'm a SAHM. I'll be adding your journal to my alerts. Check me out sometime.
LOL at least your van is somewhat clean:) enjoy your week
Smells like ass - kind of that pubescent wet dog, little boy smell... I know that smell!
PS - the braces ordeal went just fine. They hurt for a day or two and were good to go!
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