Wednesday, July 5, 2006

A swimsuit, I can do

Miss Audrey has been a tad overscheduled for the last month. 

As the summer opened, I was happy to be out of the Mom-taxi mode.  But the downward spiral into laziness, once I enter it, is really hard to get out of, so I signed Audrey (at least) up for a few classes.  This way, I figured, I'd have a reason to get out of my pjs earlier than the 30 minutes before hubby got home that I was previously managing.

Swimming lessons (every day), preschool (3 days a week), and a ballet class (it's only one night!)...throw in aikido for the boys (twice a week, as always) and the taxi is back in service.  In and out all day, in this heat, and I wonder why I'm wiped out at/by bedtime? 

This past Monday, Ben and Ryan started swimming lessons too.  Nolan, being too cool for swimming lessons, is hanging on to his pjs as long as possible.

Last week, I was getting Audrey ready to go.   She has (cough cough) 3 two-pieces that are just adorable.  She was with me when I bought them, she wanted to match one of the little girls we know who favors tankinis.  However she has since grown, so where the top once met the bottom is now her tummy.  It's cute, and not inappropriate at all.

She was on my bed, looking at herself in the mirror on my dresser.   She turned to her side, turned forward, patted herself on the tummy, and announced she would like a suit that "covers my belly." 

Aww.  "But your belly, it's perfect,"  I told her.  Surely, she's a little young for the body image thing.  Surely.  I'm not taking any chances:  "Perfect, perfect, perfect,"  I tickle her.  (I think she is more comfortable, given the activity of the lesson, to not feel like she's losing her top or bottom.)

We found a yellow Spongebob one (which I discovered too late is only lined in front, and once wet, from the back is a disaster--it's gotta go) and a pink polka dotted one.  

I love it when I can fulfill easy requests like that. 

Unlike her poor father.  Not that he doesn't fulfill requests, it's just that he just couldn't okay this one.  Weekend before last, while I was at work, she popped up into his lap:

"Daddy, I want a tattoo."


Anonymous said...

Sometimes bathing suit shopping is just as much a nightmare for the little ones as it is for us big ones.   My girl is soooo picky!   Doesn't want her tush hanging out (neither do I)  that color is icky, that one isn't cool, etc.... the one she did love was 50.00!!!!   For a kids suit!  Lucky for her it was slightly on sale and Grandma was buying!   :)

Anonymous said...

I swear, I think our daughters are sisters from different mothers ;)

They are exactly alike!

Hope the summer doesn't keep you too busy!


Anonymous said...

Don't all little girls want tattoos?
Gillie :)

Anonymous said...

I had a hard time getting trunks for my oldest this year... He had to have them exactly below his knee cap. That doesn't sound hard until you start shopping for them. But he finally found some.

Now that you are getting them swimming lessons, you know you have to get them a pool now, right?

Have a good summer!


Anonymous said...

Daddy, I want a nose, tongue, eyebrow, [name your body part] piercing.

Daddy, I want a breast augmentation.  Liposuction. Bigger lips.

Daddy, I want a nosejob.

Daddy, I want to shave my head.

Daddy, I want a MySpace blog.

Daddy, I want to do what my friends are doing.

I'm from headquarters and I'm here to help.

Mrs. L

Anonymous said...

I have nooooo idea where she got that from. Honest.

When's my next babysitting gig? I have an issue of Biker Chicks that she's just gonna love.